Your Morning News from Flint MI USA
Channel 12.5
Part of the TRB Broadcasting Network
Date: 12/26/06
"It was like, 'You're one of those, and we can't have one of those.'" - JOHN STEIGAUF, on his work experience at United Parcel Service after being diagnosed with diabetes. [nyt]
9748. Serious question for Genesee county by
Swamicator, 12/26/06 9:04 ET
I live in N. Oakland County and I am selling my home. I have a unique career and it makes no difference where I live.
I grew up in the Flint area and friends that still reside there are attempting to sell me on moving back. Personally, I see no reason to live in Genesee County, given the demise of Flint area I saw coming over 20 years ago.
So the question is this...real estate prices aside, give me some good reasons to live in this area.
Thanks in advance for your responses.
Democrats Pledge to Restrain Spending Determined to banish their old tax-and-spend image, Democrats want to shrink the federal deficit, preserve tax cuts for the middle class and challenge the president to raise money for the Iraq war when they take control of Congress next week. But it won't be easy. (By Lori Montgomery, The Washington Post)
-Why We're 'Not Winning'
By Bret Stephens
President Bush startled reporters when he acknowledged in a recent interview that we are "not winning" in Iraq, after long insisting we were. That doesn't go far enough. Even as we are stalemated in Iraq, the gains the administration previously made in Afghanistan, Egypt, Iran, Lebanon and Palestine are steadily being eroded. Maybe it's a case of returning to the mean.
Most people would call it losing.
So was the invasion of Iraq the original sin? Certainly not. What's happening, rather, is that we are suffering the consequences of policy mistakes of relatively recent vintage.
All of the Flint School District's teachers are highly qualified, according to a district report.
- Flint Talk Back
WHAT'S THE POINT? Why have principals or a police liaison officer in the schools if they don't follow through with punishment if the student does something wrong? I hope they don't wait until someone gets hurt.
• U-M can be a leader in new path to diversity Legal challenges to Prop 2 insult voters The pile-on of lawsuits against Proposal 2 isn't surprising, but it's mightily discouraging. The pro-affirmative action group By Any Means Necessary - known as BAMN - was the first to jump into the legal fray. Then three universities, including the University of Michigan, filed a motion to delay implementing changes during the current admissions cycle. And last week, the American Civil Liberties Union of Michigan and the NAACP's Detroit Chapter filed their own lawsuit against the proposal.
-Flint Town Talk
9742. It doesn't matter does it? by
mlinton, 12/24/06 23:38 ET
It really doesn't matter if we are pro or anti Bush. Doesn't matter how we feel about Iraq, our government, politics, the crime rate in Flint, Clio or anything else. What matters, on this Holy night, is that we all believe in the same thing. Peace on Earth, good will toward men, the families who love us and make our lives complete, the roofs over our head and the freedom to live in a country where we can express our views and not have to worry about retaliation. What matters is a group of people who aregue daily about their difference of opinions and yet come together during this season of peace and wish each other Merry Christmas. I hope each of you have a wonderful Christmas filled with all the important things in life.
9746. How was your Christmas holiday? by
, 12/26/06 7:01 ET
it was good for us spending time with family and friends. Never mind what Wall Street & Madison ave. tell us that Christmas means spending money but rather a time to be with the people you love. My heart goes out to those families unable to spend time with loved ones fighting wars on foreign lands. I look forward to the new year and pray for better things to come.
-From Flint Talk
I've offered to set them up a website. Only I personally feel the city should do it. Everything, from the Crime mapping and contacts should be available online. I shouldn't be so derogatory. Only I know more about what is going on with this latest sham, than I can really say pubic ally. Mostly because it's just hearsay. Only it comes from reputable people. I'm just frustrated at this latest cotton candy sale. Lot's of fluffy sweat tasting stuff that won't fill you up, and only make you sick when you get too much. I've just become tired of getting too much!
Ted Jankowski
-From the Laundry Room
wow my Christmas Gift
Well this is some thing I’m sitting in my chair and hear a car pull in the drive way
Its about 10 pm newer pick up ford. I think dam who the hell is this to my surprise a friend from the past. A good old boy truck driver friend of mine who i havent seen in some weeks.hes
got a tray a Tupperware tray that I’m thinking looks like bad news something i just don’t want no part of.
so i beat feet to the back door to greet the guy and he walks in like its Christmas and jolly as any eastsider with a few hundred bucks left after the bills have been paid.
he sits in the laundry room where the office chairs are at and the video shoots usualy take place and starts to talk. and sets the tray on the desk i give the tray a look and ask whats in the tray ?
fudge he says!! fudge i go( really) to my surprise realizing i just judged a book by its cover he smiled i smiled and and had a coffee and a piece of fudge with my friend.
but that’s not all he explains. he says Larry i got a deal for you?
I’m thinking man i cant do nothing I’m unemployed calling Marvin and living by the skin of my tooth waiting for spring or the 1st of the year to get hot on the job trai.l Plus i still owe the guy 3 hundred from a Chevy deal that went bad a year or so ago but its no big deal. He owed me 3 hundred for 2 years once.
But not being rude i listened to his pitch.and ate more fudge and my wife was all ears too!!
How would you like to run a truck for me he says. Huh i reply yeah i enterd into a deal with some yo yo who has a few trucks my friend says. we can take over and they already have a lease!!!!! no gm, no NYC , no hazmat, A grim came over my face like water over a dam. then the print, the fine print
finger print loads from mount Morris to Florida a dozen stops each way omg i think I’m 43 fat and haven’t had to fingerprint loads sense i was 21 especially 12 stops up and down .
Then back to the pitch as my grin subsides. 1000 on 5000 straight pay 10 days out 5 days home. Witch in truck driver reality based terms means 22 days a month work 3200 dollars take home pay. 90% I’m going to do it. but i got to look at this truck first and get the rest of the story. that’s a pretty goodalmost Christmas gift for myself. But better yet my family’s Christmas gift was best Wyatt came home our 5 y/o grand son who was hospitalized with viral meningitis symptoms.
Turns out he just had a bad flu thank god
i hope you all enjoyed your Holiday and have a great new year
OpinionJournal Federation BY OMAR FADHIL How to beat Iraq's Shiite extremists.12:01 a.m. EST
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‘Grossly exaggerated’: GOP governors shake off criticism of DOGE
As governors gathered in Washington, they stood by the president amid a
brewing backlash.
1 hour ago