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REPUBLICANS TOOK IT TO OBAMA,... HE STOMPED THEM,... PRESIDENCY DETERMINED Obama mentioned Childers' victory in a speech in Michigan. "This is a hard-core Republican seat, and they lost it by 8 points. They did everything they could. They ran ads with my face on it."[u]
VOTERS DISTRUST THE REPUBLICAN PARTY, WHAT A LONG FALL, TOO BAD! Republicans must regain the confidence of Americans and recast their message to voters to avoid a catastrophe in the fall congressional elections, top GOP officials said Wednesday in a stark postmortem of a loss in rural Mississippi.[u]
POLITICAL HACK KICK REPUBLICAN BOOTY Mr. Childers, a local courthouse official in Coffeeville, pulled together a coalition of blacks, who turned out heavily, and old-line “yellow dog” Democrats, to beat his Republican opponent, Greg Davis, the mayor of Southaven, a Memphis suburb. With all precincts reporting, the vote was 54 percent for Mr. Childers to 46 percent for Mr. Davis.[n] The seat had been in Republican hands since 1995, and the district, largely rural and stretching across the northern top of Mississippi, had been considered one of the safest in the country for President Bush’s party, as he won here with 62 percent of the vote in 2004[n]
ITS BAD TO BE A REPUBLICAN ,SO IF THEY SAY THEY ARE DIFFFERENT WE WILL LOVE THEM AGAIN...NOT Sensing trouble in the fall, the House GOP leadership on Wednesday addressed recent losses in special Congressional elections by unleashing a new agenda aimed at changing that party's image.[c] "This clearly is a sign that there is no congressional district that is safe for Republican candidates who are following in the Bush shadow," said Van Hollen, whose committee has $44.3 million on hand, compared with $7.2 million for Cole's National Republican Congressional Committee.[U] Davis called the atmosphere for House Republicans "the worst since Watergate and is far more toxic than the fall of 2006."[U]
THE REPUTATION THEY DESERVE House Republican leaders pushed the retooled message, which they call "Change You Deserve."[c]
IF THE TRUTH HURTS TELL A LIE They rolled out the first version Wednesday, which focuses on working mothers and military families.[c]
REPUBLICANS THINK THE COMMON MAN AND HIS FAMILY ARE STUPID "This agenda is a reflection of House Republicans' commitment to providing American families with the change they deserve: common-sense solutions to the challenges they face in their daily lives," according to the agenda provided to CNN.[c]
THE REPUBLICAN AGENDA OF THE LAST DECADE HAS CRUSHED THE AMERICAN FAMILY "Today's families face challenges that yesterday's laws don't address. Sixty percent of mothers with children under are 6 are now working outside the home. The majority of families have not one parent working but both parents working."[c]
AN UNTRUTHFUL AGENDA IS A LIE The agenda goes on to argue that laws need to be changed to provide American families with "more freedom in their jobs; greater health care and retirement security; safer communities; access to quality, affordable education; and the ability for future generations to compete in the global economy."[c]
THE REPUBLICANS DUTY WAS NOT TO SEND OUR TROOPS INTO AN UNNECESARY WAR STARTED WITH THEIR LIES Our nation's most solemn duties are to take care of our troops, veterans and their families and to keep families safe. It is critical that we continue to fight and win the war on terror and that we support our men and women who serve in our Armed Forces and their families."[c]
AFTER BIG LOSS COMES THE BIG LIE The agenda comes after a big loss for House Republicans on Tuesday. Democrat Travis Childers defeated Republican Greg Davis in a special election for a congressional seat in northern Mississippi.[c]
GOOD -VS- EVIL, GOOD WINS For Democrats, Childers' decisive victory is the latest in a series of special-election wins for the party and provides a strong tailwind heading into the November elections. Republicans had held the seat since 1994. [c]
IT’S A SEA OF BLUE HEADING FOR THE WHITE HOUSE "For the third time this year, Democrats have turned a red seat to blue, proving that Americans across our country want real solutions and reject Republicans' misleading and negative attacks. ... Democrats have won three special elections in Republican seats in one cycle," House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said Tuesday.[c]
DAVIS, FIRST BATTLE LOST, THE NOVEMBER WARS ARE NEXT For Republicans, Davis' defeat is viewed as a possible preview of a widespread GOP thrashing in November, and it shows that trying to link local Democrats in conservative districts to Sen. Barack Obama and his former pastor was not a winning strategy. [c]
REPUBLICANS ADMITS THEY HAVE BEEN ASLEEP AT THE SWITCH At a news conference on Capitol Hill on Wednesday, House Minority Leader John Boehner said the loss was "another wake up call that we have to show Americans that we can fix the problems here in Washington and fix the problems that they deal with every day. ... We've got to show Americans that we know how to fix it and we're committed to fixing them."[c]
A REPUBLICAN MAKE OVER. CAN’T MAKE A SOWS EAR INTO A SILK PURSE House Minority Whip Roy Blunt added that the party needs "to do what we need to do over the next few months to make sure the American people connect our message with us."[c]
SUICIDE IS AN OPTION Former National Republican Congressional Committee Chairman Tom Davis, a congressman from Virginia, says Tuesday's loss could lead to a devastating finish come November [c]
ON THE WAY TO THE LANDFILL THEY ARE "The Republican reputation is just in the trash can, and if this were a brand of dog food, you would just take it off the shelf, because nobody is buying it," he said.[c] It's a tough assessment from the man who used to be in charge of getting Republicans elected to Congress.[c]
A MEMO, THATS ALL THEY GOT And so Davis handed out a 27-page memo to his colleagues Wednesday in a closed-door meeting. In it, he says the party needs to revamp its image because Republicans face the worst political atmosphere since Watergate.[c] Republicans were clearly demoralized by the loss and the prospect of sinking deeper into the minority in November. But no immediate personnel shake-ups were announced even though Mr. Boehner hinted at “changes that maybe necessary to adopt to the environment we are living in.” [n]
GREAT BALLS OF FIRE "If this isn't a turning point, we're the airplane flying into the mountain. ... If we don't veer off to the side, we're gonna crash and burn this [c] "When you lose three of these in a row, you have to get beyond campaign tactics and take a long hard look: Is there something wrong with your product?"[u] “Voters remain pessimistic about the direction of the country and the Republican Party in general,” Mr. Cole said. [n]
Posted here by Terry Bankert ... 5/14/08
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[c] CNN http://www.cnn.com/2008/POLITICS/05/14/gop.agenda/
[U] USA Today http://www.usatoday.com/news/politics/election2008/2008-05-14-gopfallout_N.htm [N] The New York Times http://www.nytimes.com/2008/05/14/us/politics/14cnd-mississippi.html?hp
[trb] Comments of Terry Bankert to include CAP headlines http://attorneybankert.com/ 55718
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