Analysis: Biden pick shows lack of confidence By RON FOURNIER, AP posted:,4670,VeepstakesAnalysis,00.html
Ron Fournier, a former White House correspondent, national political writer and online political editor for The Associated Press, has been named chief of the AP's Washington bureau.
WHAT STREET NAME CAN WE GIVE THE AP WHIZ.... Theword moron, along with others including "retarded", "idiotic", "imbecilic", "stupid", and "feeble-minded", was formerly considered a valid descriptor in the psychological community, though these words have all now passed into common slang use, exclusively in a derogatory context. See
Since moron has a negative connotation I will just use Feeble-minded or FM for short.[trb]
The following is a conversation with Mr. Fournier hereafter identified as FM.
Today, the Politico reveals that Fournier was this close to getting a "senior advisory role" in the McCain campaign, probably as some sort of fancy flack.
Fournier is just a tool of the mccain campaign...da....[trb]
FM STATED: In picking Sen. Joe Biden to be his running mate, Barack Obama sought to shore up his weakness — inexperience in office and on foreign policy — rather than underscore his strength as a new-generation candidate defying political conventions.
The chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Biden could help offset Obama's relative inexperience in foreign policy. Obama, a 47-year-old first-term senator, has been ridiculed by his Republican rival, John McCain, as too naive to be president.,0,7564344.story
Two high-level Democratic operatives confirmed Biden's selection to The Times Friday night. Biden, 65, had emerged earlier this week as a top choice. The Times reported Wednesday that the Delaware senator had met repeatedly with campaign officials and that the Secret Service was preparing to protect him.,0,7564344.story
On Friday, one of the Democrats working with the campaign said the Secret Service had been dispatched and a plane readied to take Biden to Springfield, Ill., where Obama plans to roll out his vice presidential pick today at a rally at the Old State Capitol.,0,7564344.story
A Roman Catholic born to a working-class family in Scranton, Pa., Biden might also help Obama draw blue-collar Catholic voters who formed a core constituency for New York Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton in her primary battle with Obama.,0,7564344.story
Biden has already demonstrated an appetite for defending Obama and taking on McCain, particularly on foreign policy issues. In May, he criticized President Bush for attacking those like Obama who favor reaching out diplomatically to regimes like Iran and North Korea.,0,7564344.story
FM STATED: He picked a 35-year veteran of the Senate — the ultimate insider — rather than a candidate from outside Washington, such as Govs. Tim Kaine of Virginia or Kathleen Sebelius of Kansas; or from outside his party, such as Sen. Chuck Hagel of Nebraska; or from outside the mostly white male club of vice presidential candidates.
BANKERT RESPONSE:Biden is a brilliant pick. McCain must be tossing in bed...but in which mansion?
FM STATED: Hillary Rodham Clinton didn't even make his short list.
BANKERT RESPONSE: And he told her straight up.... He insisted on the utmost secrecy; he paid the losers the courtesy of essentially telling them "no" to their faces--not an easy thing to do. And he swallowed his considerable pride and all but confessed his lack of knowledge of foreign affairs by selecting as his running mate the Senate's senior Democratic leader on that topic.
In short, Obama behaved like a grownup. Even his much-criticized failure to "vet" Sen. Hillary Clinton means less than meets the eye. I talked two months ago to one of her closest legal advisors, who told me that she didn't really WANT to be considered for the number two job--in no small measure because the process would have required Obama's lawyers to comb through her husband's foundation and its murky sources of income.
In that sense, Obama did her a favor by not really demanding to consider her. She would have had to say "no."
FM STATED: The picks say something profound about Obama: For all his self-confidence, the 47-year-old Illinois senator worried that he couldn't beat Republican John McCain without help from a seasoned politician willing to attack.
BANKERT RESPONSE: the object is to win. Obama had to balance out the Democratic ticket with the proven experience of Biden. Biden will have McCain for lunch. Along with his Senate Foreign Relations post, which recently took him on a trip to Georgia after the Russian invasion, Biden has been chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, and has had a hand in legislation on crime, terrorism and drug policy.,0,7564344.story
FM STATED: The Biden pick is the next logistical step in an Obama campaign that has become more negative — a strategic decision that may be necessary but threatens to run counter to his image.
BANKERT RESPONSE: McCain and the republican thugs in the Party, in Fox net work and the moneyed interests that are about to lose control of this country are vicious and will soon prove it. have never seen the level of negativity about to be unleashed on Obama. One of the main roles of the Democratic vice presidential nominee will be to attack McCain and his running mate. The Arizona senator is expected to name his No. 2 after the Democrats end their national convention in Denver on Thursday.,0,7564344.story
FM STATED: Democratic strategists, fretting over polls that showed McCain erasing Obama's lead this summer, welcomed the move. They, too, worried that Obama needed a more conventional — read: tougher — approach to McCain.
BANKERT RESPONSE: Biden knows MCCain and will tell the world what a simpleton and malicious politician he McCAin really is. What does Biden bring to the ticket? A lot. First of all, he has a love of politics and public service. He never tried to get rich from his role, even though he has been in the Senate for decades. He is a fancy dresser--given to stick pin collars and French cuffs--and yet he is an unassuming son of a car salesman who takes the train home to Wilmington almost every night.
His personal story is compelling: a riches-to-rags family background; a first wife killed in a car crash; a devoted life with his second wife; a passel of grandchildren whom he adores as much as they adore him. And he's never had a hint of financial or sexual scandal.
Biden is a Catholic--a demographic must for a Democratic ticket eager to get swing voters in heavily Catholic states such as Pennsylvania and Ohio.
FM STATED: "You've got to hand it to the candidate and the campaign. They have a great sense of timing and tone and appropriateness. Six months ago, people said he wasn't tough enough on Hillary Clinton — he was being too passive — but he got it right at the right time," said Democratic strategist Jim Jordan. "He'll get it right again."
BANKERT RESPONSE: This is hardball and Obama is up to the task.
FM STATED: Indeed, Obama has begun to aggressively counter McCain's criticism with negative television ads and sharp retorts from the campaign trail.
BANKERT RESPONSE: If you do not compete you lose. When the public quits responding to negative ads they will not be aired.
FM STATED: A senior Obama adviser, speaking on condition of anonymity, said his boss has expressed impatience with what he calls a "reverence" inside his campaign for his message of change and new politics. In other words, Obama is willing — even eager — to risk what got him this far if it gets him to the White House.
BANKERT RESPONSE: The Obama campaign must become energized for a tough nasty fight.
FM STATED: Biden brings a lot to the table. An expert on national security, the Delaware senator voted in 2002 to authorize military intervention in Iraq but has since become a vocal critic of the conflict. He won praise for a plan for peace in Iraq that would divide the country along ethnic lines.
BANKERT RESPONSE: A good leader always has an open mind.
FM STATED: Chief sponsor of a sweeping anti-crime bill that passed in 1994, Biden could help inoculate Obama from GOP criticism that he's soft on crime — a charge his campaign fears will drive a wedge between white voters and the first black candidate with a serious shot at the White House.
BANKERT RESPONSE: Nonsense. The African American community is as concerned about crime as the Lilly white republican establishment.
FM STATED: So the question is whether Biden's depth counters Obama's inexperience — or highlights it? After all, Biden is anything but a change agent, having been in office longer than half of all Americans have been alive. Longer than McCain. And he talks too much.
BANKERT RESPONSE: I’LL take Biden the warrior over McCain the clown any day of the week.
FM STATED: On the same day he announced his second bid for the presidency, Biden found himself explaining why he had described Obama as "clean."
BANKERT RESPONSE: So he’s not the top guy. He can be my second any day of the week.
FM STATED: And there's the 2007 ABC interview in which Biden said he would stand by an earlier statement that Obama was not ready to serve as president.
BANKERT RESPONSE: The campaign process, prepares you. In an August 2007 interview with Charlie Rose, Biden said that he believed Obama was "fully capable of being ready" to be president, but added: "He hasn't demonstrated it yet. This is early in the campaign." In other interviews, Biden demurred from criticizing Obama directly and emphasized his own extensive experience on the world stage.,0,7564344.story
FM STATED: It seems Obama is worried that some voters are starting to agree.
BANKERT RESPONSE: Voters are agreeing. OBAMA/Biden for President and Vice President. Biden....He knows foreign policy and defense issues of course, but in a textbook way. He is a street politician who has walked the streets of the planet. Before heading to the convention, OBAMA and Biden are expected to make appearances in a series of critical states, arriving in Denver on Wednesday. Obama's vice presidential choice is slated to speak that night and OBAMA will address his supporters on Thursday in a football stadium that can seat 76,000 people.,0,7564344.story?page=2
Posted Here by Terry Bankert 8/23/08
‘Grossly exaggerated’: GOP governors shake off criticism of DOGE
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1 hour ago