Tuesday, December 13, 2011

TZU, Flintoid and a couple of Occupiers

Subdue the powerful without fighting by causing stuff to happen that allows them to decide it is not in their interest to attack/control/"act on you".If you cannot win do not use troops. If you are not in danger do not fight. All warfare is based upon deception. ( see, SUN TZU " The Art of War")

Yesterday there were concerns of eviction. Today  there are  none.

Yesterday there was chaos,suspicion,betrayal, false leaders, fear, mission doubt and self doubt at OCCUPY FLINT. Today I sense there is a recommittment to the Occupy Movement and individual responsibilities in a consensus driven participatory democracy

Today we / I have a calm realization that in a protest movement founded on confontation of power making no apologies .....stuff happens

Post above by Terry Bankert


Justin Beckley ill spread the word Protest 2-5 @ North ZBank Center (stabenaws office)...against the NDA

from facebook pertaining to 12/13/2011


GA usually around 7 pm every day.


Michael Burton from facebook
A summary of what happened today:12/12/2011

This morning Occupy Flint was served with a notice that the property owner(s) wanted us to leave the site. This was based on information flowing from unconfirmed sources, upon which some Occupy Flint members acted without consensus from the GA, asking for help dismantling the camp when in fact there was no actual order or citation yet seen by us.

Following up on the rumor that the City Code Enforcement Office was about to cite the camp for violations, calls were made. This is what was discovered:
Some pressure from downtown businesses and the Durant hotel owners was put on the city code enforcement office to do.... something, anything, to make OF go away (because, apparently, of the amount of support pouring from Flint residents--it was making them nervous). So Someone close to the code enforcement office heard talk about citing the camp, and informed one of our members, who reacted as though a shut-down was a done deal.

Upon hearing the allegations that were flying, the property owner(s) decided it was too much drama (and probably they were under pressure from many of the same sources as the enforcement office), and so they asked us, very nicely, to leave.

Then, as time permitted, a more thorough investigation took place and we learned that
the city attorney's office said there is NO plan to cite the camp or to try and find reasons to cite the camp.

With this information, the property owner(s) agreed Occupy Flint could stay, unless of course the property gets sold.



Erin Erwin from facebook  see next post on petition

workshop in Lansing on Friday. It is a splendid opportunity to learn very much from someone who has been working with petitions and campaigns for a very long time! This is an update and change of location for this committee. I will be at Wise Guyz Pizza at 8 to have an informal, brief meeting on this and a few other subjects relative to it. [today 12/13/2011]

[see post below a to topic-trb]
Erin Erwin on facebook
So, here is what I have been talking to some of you about and I'd like to post this status as an opportunity for any of you who may be interested in petition circulation. The meetings I have been attending are all relative to ending marihuana prohibition. The text I'm sharing is work so far on actual language attorneys have spent much time preparing and may be slightly changed but I want to share it to get some opinions, if any at all.


A petition to amend the Michigan Constitution Article 1, to add;

Article 1 Section 28, Repeal of Marihuana Prohibition.

For persons at least 21 years of age, who are not incarcerated, marihuana acqusition, cultivation, manufacture, delivery, transfer, transportation, sale, possession, religious, medical or personal use, ingestion, presence in or on the body, or possession or use of paraphernalia shall not be prohibited abridged, or penalized in any manner; nor subject to civil forfeiture; provided that no person shall be permitted to operate a motor vehicle while impaired."

Awesome, right?!

Bill Schuette, our Attorney General has a long history in his family with DOW Chemical. Understandably from his point of view... he doesn't want marijuana to be legalized because it would negatively impact that company because of the various uses marihuana would provide and impact that particular industry. This is an incredible 'local' example of what kind of corporate interests control politicians and personal agendas they are following instead of meeting the requests and demands of The People first. The Attorney General is a public servant... and with his clear and strong opposition to our current Medical Marihuana Laws, it shows well how little he cares about you and yours.

This status is a call to action! Take some time to contact me with what you can bring the table if you'd like and I can help get you on board with tasks... even if you don't feel you have time to physically support this petition circulation... there are many other things you can do, even from the very chair and computer or phone you are reading this from. : ]

Closet marijuana users, Occupation brothers and sisters, friends, neighbors... all of you! I am asking for your help, come January, when this petition will be ready.

Food, fuel, fiber, clothing, medicine, JOBS and so much more...! We The People have a Voice so let's show the government what We want and what We need!

I want to add that I still plan tomorrow on holding a brief committee tomorrow evening after a GA regarding an actual workshop on Friday that I will be attending regarding petition circulation. It will involve going to Lansing on Friday and collecting information from people who would like to become involved with this very thing.

I will also be bringing forward a proposition for Occupy Flint to support this petition and circulate it after a concrete petition sheet is in my hands so you all know exactly what you're agreeing to....end from Erin Erwin

Daily protes under the Bank of America sign downtown Flint.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I read this post two times.

I like it so much, please try to keep posting.

Let me introduce other material that may be good for our community.

Source: Finance administrator interview questions

Best regards