Tuesday, September 25, 2012


68th District Court.What are the instincts for justice of the candidates?

09/24/12 FLINT by Terry Bankert - The Genesee County Bar Association held a meet the 68th District Court Candidates luncheon at the Downtown Flint Masonic Temple which I attended on 09/24/12 .

Present were two incumbents who will appear on the ballot in November .

The voters having two choices from 4 candidates. They are Honorable William Crawford and the Honorable Herman Marable. Additionally on the ballot are Challengers Glenn Cotton and Jill Bauer who were also present.

I hope these incumbents and new candidates are invited to the Chamber of Commerce event.

Why? We have two very experienced Judges William Crawford and Herman Marable that deserve to be returned to the bench.

The Honorable William Crawford is one of the most respected Judges in Genesee County and the Honorable Herman Marable is an outstanding contribution to the bench also known as the “Peoples Judge”.

In my opinion Challenger Glenn Cotton is not ready yet and Challenger Jill Bauer never will be ready.

Recently the 68th District Court has been recognized for its high level of efficiency by the state, said Crawford. This high efficiency combined with the critical issue of the merger /consolidation of the 67th out county court with the 68th Flint court are a good reason to keep seasoned voices on the 68th Court to protect the interests of Flint.


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