GOOD MORING FLINT! BY Terry Bankert 01/27/08 Posted also to Flint Talk ( and also posted craigs list,My Space, Face Book, Flint Internet Citizen, Good Morning Flint Blog ,others but not Flint Town Talk) - A BLACK MAN MAY BE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, HOW FAR WE HAVE COME?(TRB) Strong black vote helps Obama in South Carolina [WJRT12012608) COLUMBIA, S.C.(01/26/0 --Barack Obama has routed Hillary Rodham Clinton in the racially-charged South Carolina Democratic primary Saturday night, regaining campaign momentum in the prelude to a Feb. 5 coast-to-coast competition for more than 1,600 Democratic National Convention delegates. [WJRT12012608) This presidential primary system. By the National Convention the impossible will have happened in American. A woman and an african American will acccept the nomination for either president of the United States or for Vice President. We may very well have boyj of them on the ticket. (Trb) Former Senator John Edwards of North Carolina is running third, a sharp setback in the state where he was born and scored a primary victory in his first presidential campaign four years ago.[WJRT12012608) We do not need a hair cut and a suit. We need leaders, (trb) About half the voters were black, according to polling place interviews, and four out of five of them supported Obama. Black women turned out in particularly large numbers. Clinton and Edwards each won roughly 40 percent of the white vote, with about 25 percent going to Obama.[WJRT12012608) My not,why not black women supporting a black famlily man, why not a community throwing behind its own. This is the way it has been for 150 years or more in Amreica. Why not Obama.(trb) The victory was Obama's first since he won the kick-off Iowa caucuses. Clinton scored an upset in the New Hampshire primary a few days later. They split the Nevada caucuses, she winning the turnout race, he gaining a one-delegate margin.[WJRT12012608) In an historic race, she hopes to become the first woman to occupy the White House, and Obama is the strongest black contender in history.[WJRT12012608) The South Carolina primary marked the end of the first phase of the campaign for the Democratic nomination, a series of single-state contests that winnowed the field, conferred co-front-runner status on Clinton and Obama but had relatively few delegates at stake. [WJRT12012608) Get invovled in this presidential constest. The result will change our world. (Trb) That all changes in 10 days' time, when New York,Illinois and California are among the 15 states holding primaries in a virtual nationwide primary. Another seven states and American Samoa will hold Democratic caucuses on the same day. [WJRT12012608) Your grand kids will ask you if you were involved in this election. Get ready to tell them yes.(Trb) Posted here by Terry Bankert This is my somewhat dailey blogg. I use the technique of having a conversation with a news artice from local or other media. I posted on the TV 12 web site. I suggest you do that also. TV 12 has the best internet information and access in the Flint Area. I just finished my formal training as a mediator. I am now a peacekeeper activley engaged in alternative dispute resolution. The theory is Keep it out of court! Call if I can help 810-235-1970 –where did this stuff come from-- [WJRT12012608) WJRT TV 12 ABC Flint Mi 01/26/08 (trb) Commtents of Terry Bankert 34068
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