Lay off saggy pants, ACLU warns Flint cops[1]
Gregory Gibbs, President of the ACLU Flint Branch says, "under no stretch of the imagination does wearing saggy pants that revel the top of one's boxer shorts violate the Flint Disorderly Conduct Ordinance. It is clear that the ordinance provision that is cited by the police chief requires that a person openly expose certain body parts to be guilty, Flint residents should embarrassed by this colossal waste of time and scarce resources."[3]
07/15/08, BY Terry Bankert
Full cited article at -
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A crack in civil liberties found in Flint MI USA..Could there be any correlation in the rise in man hole cover robberies? [trb]
Flint residents who like to wear their pants in the latest sagging fashion shouldn't have to pull up their trousers to stay out of jail, according to the American Civil Liberties Union of Michigan.[1]
You no longer have a right to dress poorly in Flint.[trb]
The right to wear sagging pants is protected by the U.S. Constitution, the state ACLU argued in a letter it sent Monday to acting Flint Police Chief David R. Dicks, who has ordered officers to start arresting people who wear saggy pants that expose Skivvies, boxer shorts or bare bottoms.[1]
Hey, young and want some attention, call the A.C.L.U. tell them you are fearful of being arrested for Crack![trb]
The letter called for an immediate end to the stopping and searching of individuals with low-riding pants and a response from the Police Department by July 21. If not, the ACLU said, it would be willing to represent in federal court any Flint resident who has been or has had a "legitimate fear" of being stopped, threatened or charged under the ordinance.[1]
On behalf of the men of Flint,Gibbs announces, we want some crack.[trb]
The Flint Police Department's practice of stopping individuals wearing saggy pants is unconstitutional and the practice should immediately be halted, the Flint branch president of the American Civil Liberties Union said Monday.[2]
"I think the police chief is abusing his power and violating a person's First and Fourth Amendment rights," said Gregory Gibbs, ACLU of Michigan Flint Branch president and cooperating attorney. [2]
Flint Police will get your butt, notice given to all butt heads.[trb]
The state ACLU said the new policy gives police authority to conduct unconstitutional searches and seizures, promotes racial profiling, violates due process and interferes with individuals' freedom to express themselves in their appearance.[1]
One old mans offensive is a kids...kool![trb]
This fashion may be offensive and annoying to some people, but as long as the youth wearing it are basically covered up, what’s being indecently exposed? And doing a stop-and-frisk based on what someone is wearing is a form of profiling. (As an aside, wouldn’t you think that if people in super-low baggies were actually engaged in nefarious activities, police would prefer it, since it has to be really hard to run in those things?) If police engaged in this practice with young girls who they thought were dressed like hookers, the shopping malls would be cleared out in no time. (And a lot of retailers would be really unhappy.)[4]
Is this ordinance just a ruse for an anal pat around, drug search?[trb]
"Given that Flint has one of the highest crime rates in the country, you would think the police chief would be fighting crime instead of the latest fashion fad," said Michael J. Steinberg, legal director of the state ACLU.[1]
Police Chief Dicks looking for a saggy pants showing a little butt has gone too far?[trb]
Gibbs said Dicks is taking his mandate too far. He accused the chief of stopping individuals and pulling up their shirts to see if their pants are hitting below the buttocks, a violation of the U.S. Constitution's Fourth Amendment, which protects citizens against unlawful search and seizure. [2]
"He doesn't have the authority to enforce his dress standards on the public," said Gibbs. [2]
This is a sagging commentary on th priorities of leadership.[trb]
Dicks did not return multiple calls Monday seeking comment, and Flint Mayor Donald J. Williamson said he had no comment on the sagging-pants policy.[1]
Show you butt in Flint and we will arrest it.[trb]
In an interview last week with the Free Press, Dicks said wearing pants below the waist is a crime -- a violation of the city's disorderly conduct ordinance -- and can give police probable cause to search saggers for other crimes, such as weapon or drug possession.[1]
Baggers will get complimentary jump suits for a re-socialization to get their heads right.[trb]
Individuals would be subject to searches and punishment of up to 93 days in jail and a $500 fine.[1]
Fat middle age white guys with bad comb overs are next.[trb]
"It is not the job of the police officer to enforce his idea of what dress is appropriate when no crime is being committed," Steinberg said.[1]
A.C.L.U. begs to not b e forced into court. Butt, they will if they must.[trb]
Steinberg said the ACLU would prefer not to go to court but was prepared to do so.[1]
Will all butts be treated equal, we demand it.[trb]
"People should be concerned when police officers go up to individuals and lift up their shirts to expose young men's boxer shorts and claim that they're acting indecent," Steinberg said, citing a Free Press video report last week on the enforcement. "There's nothing different between that and lifting up women's skirts to expose their underwear and charging them with indecent exposure."[1]
Faux Pas used in a sentence. This guy must not be from Flint.[trb]
He cited exposed bra straps or slips as comparable fashion faux pas that would not warrant police searches and citations.[1]
Just where does the butt begin?[trb]
"It's another matter if you can see their naked buttocks ... but it is not a crime to wear sagging pants where boxers are exposed."[1]
In a letter to Dicks, the ACLU states: "This practice is akin to lifting a woman's skirt in front of the camera to expose her underwear and then telling her she is indecently exposed. It must stop. It must stop." [2]
Terry Bankert
–where did this stuff come from?
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- MAST HEAD for the search engines-
BY Terry Bankert 7/15/08.
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The full Israeli cabinet passed the agreement during a meeting that
continued into the Jewish Sabbath, setting up the first reprieve in Gaza in
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