Tuesday, August 19, 2008


LEE GONZALES DEMOCRATIC NATIONAL CONVENTION BLOG **********************************************
The Democratic nomination of Barack Obama as the next President of the United States is just afew days away!

To have the chance to represent local Democrats at the Democratic National Convention is exhilarating and humbling. Highly thought-provoking is another way of describing what I'm feeling in preparation to do my best as a convention delegate.

We are witnessing an unprecedented transformation of American politics, along with a realignment of the electorate in the quest for the Presidency. The results of Nov. 4 will be a defining moment for our nation.

Through this BLOG I plan to provide daily updates on a delegate's role and other convention happenings. I recognize the value of this opportunity to dialogue and work with Democrats from all walks of life. We all view the world though many lenses and individual experiences. In my case, I'm a son, husband, father, grandfather, proud of my family, university graduate, a prideful American & patriot, proud of my ethnic heritage and an elected state representative.

Because of these motivations, I am very passionate about serving our community and moving it forward. Historian David McCullough eloquently observes in the following passage about our nation’s history, "The American experiment was from its start an unfulfilled promise. There was much work to be done. There were glaring flaws to correct, unfinished business to attend to. Improvements and necessary adjustments to devise in order to keep pace with the onrush of growth and change and expanding opportunities."

From my perspective, this is why the 2008 Democratic National Convention is so vitally important because it is an essential component of the course of human events in our great nation. So please stay tuned and share your thoughts.

LEE 8/19/08 http://flinttalk.com/viewtopic.php?p=34446 http://leegonzales.blogspot.com/


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KUNSTLER, too many people, too little food, too little oil, too little time!

KUNSTLER, too many people, too little food, too little oil!

Posted by Terry Bankert 8/19/08

BANKERT Q: When will there be too many people on the planet? How does this number affect out lives?

KUNSTLER: “ It has been estimated that the world population stood at about one billion around the early 1980's, which is roughly about when the industrial adventure began to gain traction....World population is now past 6.5. billion...”[1 at pg 6]

BANKERT Q: Will the increase in population result in an inability to feed ourselves?

MALTHUS: (1766-1834), an English country clergy man educated at Cambridge....proposed that the human population if unconstrained, would grow exponentially while food supplies grew only arithmetically, and therefore population growth faced strict and inevitable natural results. [1 at 6]

BANKERT Q: How can this be true, until recently we have had plenty of food?

KUNSTLER: Malthus was certainly correct but cheap oil has skewed the equation over the past hundred years while the human race has enjoyed an unprecedented orgy of nonrenewable condensed solar energy accumulated over eons of prehistory.....The cheap oil created an artificial bubble of plentitude for a period non much longer than a human life time, a hundred years.[1 at 7]

BANKERT Q: If oil is fundamental to food production, availability and cost and the supply of oil is diminishing as demand rises moving resources away from food production what will happen to us?

KUNSTLER: ...that as oil ceases to be cheap and the world reserves arc toward depletion, we will indeed suddenly be left with an enormous surplus population.....that the ecology of the earth will not support.[1 at 7]

BANKERT: These time they are a changing. Of course we will react to diminished oil and the increase in food costs by changing our farming techniques, become more local, and seeking out alternative fuel. Our community should recognized the importance of new ideas and support the leaders who bring them. We have local leaders bringing a Swedish King and a BIOFUEL project to Flint MI.....Thank them!

posted here by Terry Bankert 8/19/08

SOURCE: [1]James Howard Kunstler, The Long Emergency, Grove Press NY, 2005 http://www.kunstler.com/bio.html 75152/17196

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