GOOD MORNING FLINT! BY Terry Bankert 6/2/08
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---- copy of MDP Press Release---
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE May 31, 2008 Contact: Liz Kerr Phone: 517-371-5410 x. 248 Cell: 858-775-7986
Michigan* Will Count, Delegates * Split 69 Clinton, 59 Obama *Delegates Restored at half voting power, Credentials Committee Expected to Seat Full Delegation*
WASHINGTON-Michigan Democrats' efforts to challenge the Democratic nomination process were successful, and a Michigan delegation will be seated at the National Convention in Denver. Today, the Rules & Bylaws Committee (RBC) of the Democratic National Committee (DNC) has officially approved the Michigan proposal that recognizes the January 15th primary but takes into account that Sen. Barack Obama's name was not on the ballot.
"We are very pleased that the Rules & Bylaws Committee accepted our compromise proposal to resolve the dispute over the allocation of the Michigan delegates and that the Committee restored half of our delegates today," said Mark Brewer, Chair of the Michigan Democratic Party (MDP).
"We are confident that the remaining half of the delegation will be restored by the Credentials Committee, if not before." At today's meeting, Michigan was awarded all of its delegates with half voting power.
The pledged delegates will be awarded 69 for Sen. Hillary Clinton and 59 for Sen. Barack Obama. The automatic, unpledged delegates will also have half voting power.
The MDP expects to reach full voting power through the Credentials Committee of the Democratic National Convention.
"Today's decision is a fair resolution that recognizes both the importance of Michigan's vote for a Democratic president and the primary that took place in January," Brewer said.
"We can now move full steam ahead in our efforts to ensure a Democratic president that puts Michigan jobs and working families ahead of the big oil and corporate special interests of Bush, McCain, and the Republican Party."
### Paid for by the Michigan Democratic State Central Committee ? 606 Townsend, Lansing, MI 48933 Not authorized by any candidate or candidate committee
Posted here by Terry Bankert ...
6/02/08 (If you like this article please forward to your friends, if not just keep it to yourself.) Family Mediation and Divorce Practice. http://attorneybankert.com/
Join my political party of preference, http://www.michigandems.com/join.html
Join me in creating a new voice in The Michigan Democratic Party, become a Precinct Delegate. You are invited to join me at Face Book http://www.facebook.com/people/Terry_Bankert/645845362
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