By Terry Bankert
Desperate daddy points a shot gun at the toughest guy in Flint! Matthew Kalahar, a father did not know how to feed his children.
SEE: Posted by sllimited35 on 07/02/09 at 1:23AM
Brad Barsdale at 1 am playing poker in a lock poker room was minding his own business.
Matt was known to be against guns. But not tonite, he had a family to feed. He had possibly done this before at the same poker room. Kalahar has debated on facebook over the Second Amendment.
Desperate Matt had two children whom he loved dearly.
Times are tough in Michigan right now and Matt was trying to support his family.
We are a nation of laws and our citizens have a right to bear arms.
Matt made a crininal decision and Brad barksdale had a right to defend his life and others in the room.
Good people become bad when they make bad decisions.
Now to the good guy. He is from Flint Michigan. He is a retired Flint Police Chief. By reputation the toughest, most street smart officer on the force who rose through the ranks as a cops cop.
Got the picture, out of luck dummy out of money daddy goes into a lock poker room shot gun blazing, he had done it before they knew he was coming in.
The now dead robber takes his eye off the toughest guy in Flint MI.
He never had a chance but he could have killed someone.
Barksdale, was pushed out as chief in 2004. Retired he is reported to be a regular at the poker room.
The unarmed security guard at the main entrance alerted patrons of the suspect before the glass was shot out and the suspect entered the ROOM.
Was Barksdales gun already drawn?
The masked now dead robber blew open a locked door with a shotgun and descended on a crowd of people playing poker about an hour before closing time at the business, Burton police said.
Authorities have said one retired Flint police officer and one off-duty officer were among the 40-50 people ordered to the floor as the suspect waved his gun.
I wonder if the robber heard the shot before it hit him, did his eyes fade out or was it a stark switch to black?
The dead guy in this case may have been the same man who robbed the poker room about a month ago. "Our customers were a little skittish that first time," said owner Steven Taft. "We got extra security in here. We locked our doors, did parking lot checks. We tried to provide a safe environment." Those involved in the business said the game would go on Wednesday, as it was for charity.
We have to be accountable for what we do.
Accountability accomplished here.
Mr. Kalahari has 189 face book friends. One friend called him off the charts smart.Visitation for Matt will be from 2pm to 8pm on Monday, July 6, at Lynch & Sons funeral home in Lapeer. A memorial service to honor Matt's life, followed by a luncheon, will be held at 11:00 am Tuesday, July 7, at the Davison Country Club.
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This electronic distribution WITH COMMENTS BY Terry Bankert [trb] sponsored by
Terry R. Bankert P.C.
Dump My Spouse . Com
Flint Revival .Com
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57 minutes ago
I don't know who writes this blog but, clearly you are uneducated twit that feels a need to twist the truth in order to make your article more appealing. I am sllimited35, and you deliberately took pieces from my post and twisted them for your own personal benefit. I did not say that Matt was a desperate daddy. I said that he had children and we should feel for those kids right now.
I Writing like Matt had no family or friends. Judging him and printing it. It just must suck to be you. I bet you claim to be a Christian though. Where forgiveness is last and judgement is first. When you bite the dust, I will be the one appointed to rape your character. Dont slip up... Or make a bad decision, because Karma is a skank.
Awesome. And you are right
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